* Designed for continuous use, durability and resistance guaranteed. Measures: height. 3.5 cm, wide 2.9 cm, weight per unit 3 g.
*Registered in the Patent and Trademark Office as a PCT and WIPO Utility Model, No. 200901019. Trademark Registration No. 2.881.395
Before: 82,50€
You save: 12,51 €. (-15,17 %)
* Designed for continuous use, durability and resistance guaranteed. Measures: height. 3.5 cm, wide 2.9 cm, weight per unit 3 g.
*Registered in the Patent and Trademark Office as a PCT and WIPO Utility Model, No. 200901019. Trademark Registration No. 2.881.395
It favors and stimulates the shoe massage.
Made of high-quality sheepskin. The foam that covers it is made of active carbon latex, anti-slough.
We do not use direct glue; it has a layer of adhesive.
Without a chrome treatment that harms the body.
One size fits all, cut to your size, Comfortable, Unisex. Adaptable on a flat or clawfoot.
Compatible with orthopedic insoles. It complies with EC regulations.
* Special offer. If the spare pair is included with the order. They have no shipping costs.
Product manufactured entirely in Spain, with all the guarantees.
To all countries.
Default or damaged.
30 days, no added costs.
To all countries.
Default or damaged.
30 days, no added costs.
The illusion of every woman: to have beautiful and healthy legs, without the discomfort of varicose veins.
We know that the high heel makes venous return difficult, so there is an accumulation of blood in the ankles and legs, a disorder that can cause varicose veins and the formation of thrombi.
KP11 Active Insole. It protects your circulation, avoid tiredness, swelling, so you can enjoy your high-heeled shoes.
Insufficient venous valves that no longer close properly and cannot overcome gravity. Massage favors venous circulation, without side effects that can damage the body. It prevents clots and the danger of thrombus formation.
It protects against cardiac wear.
In each step, it delivers a reflex massage of intensity, which stimulates the Nervous System, activates the circulation, mobilizes the lymph, and eliminates toxins and metabolic disorders. From 3 to 7 days, the venous circulation is normalized. The blood returns normally to the heart.
Surprise and solution without medication.
Spider veins and varicose veins are progressively disappearing. It enhances the success of conventional treatments, preventing varicose veins from reproducing again. It safeguards ineffective methods, unnecessary costs, loss of time and hope.
4.8 / 5
Based on 2,534 ratings
*Sorry, this video is not available in English.
Dr. Francisco Javier Merino de la Fuente is a specialist in Pediatrics, with a degree in medicine and surgery. Expert in complementary and alternative medicine: Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Auricular medicine, Radionic Therapy, Geopathies. Member number 282822031
In the medical study that was carried out on the KP11 Active Insole, Dr. Merino presided over the medical team, clinical trials were carried out on 1200 people, where different pathologies were evaluated, corresponding to 782 cases of chronic venous disease, in which a satisfactory result of 94.8% was obtained, that is to say, out of every 100 patients, 95 certified significant improvements in the disease process.
Improvements in the 1st and 2nd degree of the disease
Observational Studies of Zero Varicose Veins (2011/2016)
The venous return becomes more difficult, the discomfort and appearance of varicose veins is favored by increased pressure from the uterus on the pelvic veins, the insoles decrease the pressure and disappear those annoying symptoms.
The KP11 Active Insole is a perfect complement for all types of insoles in the deformities of the foot (flat or claw) by reducing pressure on the ankle and foot, stimulates proper venous circulation, promoting venous return.
It’s just what you need! The atmospheric pressure produces variations in the blood flow and in the oxygen level and this makes the venous return difficult. Our treatment stimulates the nervous system avoiding the formation of thrombi.
The KP11 Active Insole eliminates the discomfort when standing or sitting for a long time. These situations reduce the blood supply in the lower extremities, producing venous insufficiency and favoring the appearance of varicose veins.
Treatments that besides being expensive are ineffective, they are not definitive, the varicose veins come back, they are aggressive and have side effects. We guarantee that with our Insole you can say goodbye to the varicose veins and all their discomfort!
Absolutely yes! Thrombophlebitis occurs inside a vein, when a thrombus has formed (stagnant blood that has solidified) the KP11 Active insole provides a subtle massage that stimulates the lymph and venous circulation, making the thrombus activate its movement in the stream and can be dissolved.
We are in negotiations with a distributor for Mexico, but at the moment… the only way to buy the product is in our online store and at Amazon.es you can buy it, secure payment and total guarantee, in case of return.
When the venous valves become insufficient, they do not close well, this treatment allows the blood to not stagnate and return normally to the heart. They are much more than just different, they are 100% unique. It is the only product that, without harming the venous system, acts directly on the cause. And in the results is the guarantee.
The discomfort disappears from 4 to 7 days. Each organism is indeed different, that is why we give a greater margin. We recommend during the trial period, that you use only the Insoles without the leather heel pad, these are an article for health and hygiene and they do not have returned. In case of refund, the price of the leather heel pads will be discounted (5,70 €)
Your doctor is right! In these cases we recommend our product, it is very indicated in surgeries of the lower extremities. It accelerates the time of rehabilitation, improving poor circulation.
They are metallic and some patients have been wearing them for more than 7 years (if they are well taken care of).
In Spain, approximately 1 billion Euros annually are spent in aesthetic treatments for varicose veins, and this number is increasing. With the reading of this E-book, you will discover the limitations and futility of conventional treatments, which promise wonders and most importantly: Get rid of varicose veins simply and naturally!
Knowledge makes us free… Share it!
*Sorry, this video is not available in English.
Every three months VaricesCero will donate 1 Euro, for each Insole sold. We will choose a family or elderly person in a situation of poverty.
Have cash available. If you are not at home, a notice will be left for you to pick up your order at the post office. You have 15 working days.
+34 626 71 58 60
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